People don’t buy things, they buy stories.

question-askers ~ dot-joiners ~ creative-thinkers ~ thought-provokers ~ word-wielders ~ cheer-leaders ~ colour-coders ~

question-askers ~ dot-joiners ~ creative-thinkers ~ thought-provokers ~ word-wielders ~ cheer-leaders ~ colour-coders ~


Your Stories of Design team may be one person or many, depending on the skills your project demands. In addition to brand design, strategic storytelling and writing, we collaborate with a team of proven creative professionals to provide photography, graphic design, illustration, web design and videography. Our complementary skill sets enable us to provide the highest standards of content and delivery.

Via gentle interrogation, a great deal of contemplation, exacting standards and loyalty, we aim to reinvigorate businesses and make people fall in love with their brands all over again.


My passion is discovering the golden thread of story in people’s work, teasing it out and weaving it into something that adds value to companies and their customers.

Sarah Conway


The founder of Stories of Design, Sarah is a writer, consultant and brand storyteller. An experienced teacher and speaker, Sarah is passionate about enabling circular design through visual and verbal storytelling.

“One day I realised my decisions were all based on stories. Not just the little ones like choosing a Mac because I didn’t want to be a PC, but the big ones - like moving into a tower-shaped folly despite a condensation problem of such intensity that rain fell from the glass ceiling every time I boiled the kettle.

“Stories are powerful, so it’s important that the ones we tell about ourselves and our work are intentional. How long does it take for your audience to understand who you are and the value of what you do? And I don’t just mean you’re a baker and you make bread. No one brings exactly the same skills and experiences to baking as you do, so no one’s bread is quite like yours.

“My passion is discovering the golden thread of story in people’s work, teasing it gently out and weaving it into something extraordinary. If you’re ready to elevate the stories intrinsic to your brand or work, I’d love to hear from you.”